Healthy Ways to Consume Chicken Meat

By. Danan - 28 May 2024

img Chicken meat is a choice of animal protein sources that is very popular and popular throughout the world. Even though chicken meat is very good for consumption, incorrect processing and consumption methods can cause unwanted health risks. Here's how to consume chicken to stay healthy:


  1. Choose fresh and quality chicken meat

Fresh and quality chicken meat is very important to ensure that we get adequate nutrition and avoid various health risks. Make sure to buy chicken meat from a trusted shop or market, and check the expiration date before buying.


  1. Choose parts of chicken that are low in fat

Choosing parts of chicken that are low in fat is a healthier choice than choosing parts that contain lots of fat. Chicken breast and upper thigh meat is low in fat and has a fairly high protein content.


  1. Avoid consuming chicken skin

Chicken skin contains a lot of saturated fat and cholesterol which can increase the risk of heart disease and weight gain. Therefore, avoid consuming chicken skin and separate the skin from the meat before cooking.


  1. Avoid frying chicken

Frying chicken can increase the unhealthy fat and calorie content. Try to cook chicken in healthier ways, such as grilling or boiling.


  1. Serve with healthy dishes

Serve chicken with healthy dishes such as vegetables and fruit. Try to avoid dishes that contain a lot of fat or sugar such as sauces and French fries.


  1. Pay attention to food portions

Even though chicken is a good source of protein for the body, still pay attention to the number of portions eaten. Excessive consumption of chicken meat can increase health risks, such as obesity and heart disease.


  1. Store chicken meat properly

Make sure to store chicken in the refrigerator at a safe temperature, namely below 5 degrees Celsius. Don't leave chicken meat at room temperature for too long or exposed to direct sunlight because it can cause the growth of unwanted bacteria.


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